Thursday, April 16, 2009

Silent wind

Standing at the windy beach, closing my eyes, Streching out my arms, letting the wind slip between my fingers. I stop breathing for a second. He is here. Strongly.
God is here

I stand far way from everything, but
still close to the sea, close to the sky
Listening to the silence around me.

The wind surrounds me. From everywhere. Carrying me.
The wind is whispering.

I start smiling. I am laughing out in the wind. Loud.
With God.

He is everywhere. He is all around.
And I can feel his love

The windt lifts me up.
I am dancing.
I am giggling.
I am laughing

He is here, in this silence. In this wind.
surrounds me. Like the wind.

Thats why I close my eyes
Thats why I love the wind

Thats why I am smiling.
And I love smiling!


Jørgen said...

Fine bilder Sandra:) Håper alt står bra til over der!

Elisabeth said...


Anonymous said...

youre the bestest best

- ssync

Linn's hverdagsmirakler said...

Sandra, du får mennesker som ikke har lyst til å leve, til å få lyst til å leve!! Det er jeg overbevist om!! Takk for at du setter ting i perspektiv for oss lesere ;)Takk for at du deler de små hverdags-underene med oss!! Du rører ved noe dypt i meg når jeg leser det du skriver!... Ville bare si det liksom...