Sunday, July 05, 2009

It is still the same world

I am back in Norway. After six incredible months I am sitting in the same room with the white walls looking outside the window and see the same trees dancing in the wind as they did six months ago. I am looking at the same old funny-looking lady walking by every morning with her dog, and I see the same yellow gas station. I see the same fields turn from green to yellow like they do every year, I see the same kinds playing outside, just a little older than last time.

So.. The feeling of that nothing is changed over here still strikes me, and that makes everything over there seem like a fairytale.- Like a flash of a dream, but I know that is not true. It seems so far this reality over here that I dont know what to do. But I am smiling because I know that is not true. Everyday over there was real. It was my reality. And that makes me so thankful. And God is not giving fairytales, He bless us with reality.

Things does not look like they have changed, but they have. For me a lot is changed. Because I am changed. My perspective have changed. My experience in New York was special. All the blessing God poured out over me through everlasting friendships, through situations that might look like coincidences, but i know they are not coincidences. All the heavenly surprises (
like donust, frozen yoghurt with a flavour Norwegians only can dream about, like McDonalds everyday, and Central park outside my doorstep, like Melissa, like photography, and randomly conversations with random people), .. and through a walk with God where he loves to see me laugh, smile and rejoice! And I am! I will not stop doing that, because God has during the six last months walked by my side. Everyday. And Every single day He has showed me Who He Is.

So yah. I am still in the same room with the white walls. I am 3000 miles and 6 hours away from the life I had a month ago, completely different. The yellow tractors on the highway instead of the yellow cabs, the small doll-houses instead of high buildings, the lake instead of the ocean. But I can find a lot of beauty as well. God is showing his beauty through the colorful sunsets, and the incredible nature, and the sun smiling towards me. It is just different. And the same wind is surrounding me here as the wind did in New York. The same rain are kissing me here as in New York. Because the wind is God's way to show his love for me. And he still loves me.

I know I will miss New York, Because I am. But I will do it with rejoice and thankful thoughts, and I know I will be back and forth rest of my life. Yay. It is just a flight away. New York is not disappearing. Norway is not disappearing; it is still the same world. The same wind, the same friendships and The same God

..And I am still the same am I not? Even I know I am changed through all this I am still the same. Same thoughts, same human being, same feelings, same little girl failing and making success. And nothing is over, just a lot of new blessings will come, because I am Continuing. Life is not a lot of different journeys, It is one journey. So I am continuing my journey.
Nothing is over, but a lot of new things will be added to what its called Life. It is still the same walk so I dont have to forget. Thats why I am bringing with me the experiences, all the new, deep friendships, I am bringing everything I have learned the last couple of months.
And I'm bringing God.

It is our journey,
Him and I
We are continuing.


.. Faith Hope Love .. said...

smilefjes... :)

Anonymous said...

outside the box:)

- m