Friday, January 29, 2010

It's a heart thing,

«My soul thirsts for you»
– Psalm 63.1

I am trying to find out the "something" that is dwelling in me. The "something" that are hidden deep down. It tells me where I can find my heart. I can feel it's there, I know It's there! But I dont know what words it is connected to. It is not feelings. The defination would be more correct if I called it "longing". The deep deep longing from the inside that is coming out of a pure love from God. A longing stronger than words. A longing closer than everything. To call it a feeling would be too weak.

– The longing of being dragged into the overwhelming love of the Creator of heaven and earth. My heavenly father. My dad. A longing connected to the Belonging, AND the opportunity to come close.
Unworthy, but still worthy.
Loved. -And Loved.

It is a heart thing. Not a feeling thing.

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