...that I start blogging about these kind of things.. Growing and turning the age that means I'm not just half to the age of 40, but closer to 40 than I've ever been before.. It DOES have some consequences.
To have some time at home ... doing nothing, makes me have some quality time with mom, dad, myself and a couple of memories.
And i never start surprising myself...
I started early with that sporty thing.. (Don't ever try to think something else!) ...Not talking about the "Ja till livet"-thing and hey, who would belive me if I told that years later I would go back to where I started to experience life, and figure out that the same place is still a great place to enjoy it!
I have a plan; I'm gonna be the best lasergame-girl in the world. Not that I still, after a week, don't find new bruises everywhere after the running and falling and smashing against the wall. But whatever. Right now the game identified me as "like a lamb to the slaughter", but you know me. I just didn't want the guys to feel they were bad or anything, and we all know they need a little encouragement in their daily-life. So I'm just nice! Payback time will come!
... AND I btw figured out that its fun to mix and hang out with the islandic, swedish, mandalish , vigeland and hamar thing at the same time!
And now; This week I am staying in Norway, Stange!. And mom and dad, sis1 and sis2 are all at the same place!! First time since the summer.
...And when you see this you understand why it's hard to forgetI miss starting the day like this..I miss walking around with those freaking big cameras freaking everywhere and being kind of a freak.And getting lost in central park while trying to understand the map-thing. M: "I think We're here" S: "Ok!"
Two hours later... S: I think We've been here before M... Spending a couple of hours at the ice.. Then continuing the day with this... (Vitamin M!)Going on with Vitamin MuffinAnd watching a little "Notebook"......While eating thisand having a little piece of Norway to finish a perfect valentine in NYC.
so when that is said... M I'M FREAKING MISSING YOU!
My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” Psalm 27.8
God. A secret space of ice. And Iceskating. No one is there, but God and I. And the dancing. The best combination. There is no other place I could be more free.
(...) I will hold my head high. (...) At his sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy, singing and praising the Lord with music. Psalm 27.6
Noen ganger blir jeg bare stum Fordi det ikke finnes ord.
Som nå. Bare... rejoice.
Jeg kom, bokstavelig talt, hjem til fulle skap i dag. Og jeg har ikke vært på shopping i det siste.
Så forteller du meg at Gud ikke finnes... ... så sier jeg bare kyllingfilé, wok, philadelphiaost, youghurt, frukt, kjøttboller, pølser, frokostblanding, pasta, saft, sopp grønnsaker, kjøttdeig, brød, melk, smør, bacon, crème fraiche..
If there is something that makes my heart cry. If there is something that makes my heart shout. If there is something that is telling me that life is more than talking. If there something that tells me that life is doing. If there is something that makes me longing. If there is something that makes me feel loved. If there is something that makes me grateful. If there is something that changes me.
If there is something thats kinda breaks my heart...
..It's India.
Children having nothing..Like nothing...Maybe a granny Or like this one..Not even that.... Nothing.. Nothing else but curiosity.. ...And a deep wondering. But at the same time they are on the top of the world
Because they are so thankful to life We might have something to learn.
jaja, Jeg vet jeg ikke typ ikke er så into eurovision. Men siden jeg klarte å gå glipp av Norges storslagne seier med en hvitrusser i spissen i fjor så har jeg tatt alvor av researchen rundt konkurransen i år.
Og jeg vet det er litt girlish, men kan ikke noe for det. Tror Venke Knudson tar opp igjen det som MPG var før.
Og Hamar klarte jo hvertfall å bidra med sin store stolhet Gaute Ormåsen og jeg klarer ikke gi uttrykk for hvor stolt jeg er over at jeg hadde oppkjøring på Gautes oppvekstplass; Brumunddal. Det at jeg sto på første forsøk sier vel relativt mye om stedet. Det var jo veldig trist at Gaute sank før finalen. Å så trist.
Om ikke jentene klarer det, så får vi satse på han Didrik.Selv om jeg får litt julestemning av sangen. Men siden det ikke ble så mye julestemning på meg i år, så gjør det kanskje ikke noe.