Friday, September 18, 2009

A little USA, India, South Norway and Sandra -at the same place!

A little US, India, South-Norway and Sandra in one room in Sweden. - Can you get a better mix? (Nope).
Apple picking, brownies, movie, birthdays, coffee and Chocolate.
Boys doing the dishes, fellowship, food.
Dancing like RUSS (Norwegian graduating-party-for-a-month-thing) in youth service for hours.

Just some words that are describing the daily life I am on my way into.
Caught in the moment, and still enjoying the viggo moments I get in- between.

Today I have been with my favorites parts of the world in Sweden at the same time - climbing the trees, drinking tea, talking, living! THATS God.

Hello Alaska!
And hello India!
Hello South-Norway!Burned car..
Visiting the children ministry for imigrants.

The Olsen Brothers
I love birthdayparties. Parties= food!
Studying the Bible (and facebook)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ihh! gleder meg til å besøke deg! Glad for at duu kooooser deg!<3

haha ordet under var "dises" nesten dishes det:p lol
