Saturday, December 02, 2006

This week

This week has been so long, short, funny and tired that I dont know what I think. But this week has made me a lot of memorise (?) and I´ve got new friends. It´s a lot to tell, but I´ll show you some pictures


At Kunstbanken

Where are we?

Sporty Spicy

Miss Norway and Miss Poland


Startfish and Spotlight. Spotlight: "I´m from Scotland and I love teabags!"

Melissa: "Wondering if numer 258 was a girl or a boy"

In the town of Lillehammer (Yeah, we LOVE that hat!)

I´ve got a dred, I´ve got a dred!


Anonymous said...

gratulerer med en dread.

Anonymous said...

gratulerer med én dread.

S said...


Du er mitt forbilde, så jeg prøver på en måte å være deg.

Digger du meg nå, eller hva??

Ingvild Moe said...

ååh, jeg har laga en dread sjøl jeg, så nå har jeg tre! eller, to en halv.. huhu:D fine bilder!

Maria said...

Åh! Var koselig med litt internasjonalt besøk da! Hadde det jo morro vi :P

Marsinpangris = <33

S said...

Clovis: Yeah! English;) I´ll try to keep on with that sometimes!

Yeah life is about trusting in God, but we have to take the steps by our selves!

Ingvild: You have to teach me how to make one more dred. May be Pølle then will think dobbel as cool as I am now!

Maria:Yeah it was a nice time! I look forwar to go to Scotland! (I hoooope!)

Anonymous said...

Dreads var ut i 1995... :P HOHO

S said...

Nei. Henrik. Du vet jo jeg alltid er kulest!