Friday, November 24, 2006

TV show and a visit from Poland

Okey, this have been an interesting day. It startet that dad waked me up and I answeard him with "god dag mann, økseskaft". We had this big English test that didnt go that good. The task said "tell about an event from the 20th centuary.. Blond as I am I thought "okey.. I can write about 2001"...

08.00 pm I was a program leader at that HUGE TV-show that goes all over the world. I´ll get famous and everyone will think I´m so clever... Well, not excactly....Haha, I don´t think I´ll will watch at this. Sorry friends, I hope I did not emberase you too much!

After the show I got a visit from Poland. It is a really nice girl that are staying in my house for a week! -An she takes a shower now, so you dont think I´m sitting here while I have visit.

oh my... I´m really hungry!
This week is gonne be THAT cool..:!

And guys... Please tell if you want to join the ball witih me! ;Pp

Desperate? I mean... yes!

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